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RTI Act Information

The Right to Information Act

The basic object of the Right to Information Act is to empower the citizens, promote transparency and accountability in the working of the Government, contain corruption, and make our democracy work for the people in real sense. It goes without saying that an informed citizen is better equipped to keep necessary vigil on the instruments of governance and make the government more accountable to the governed. The Act is a big step towards making the citizens informed about the activities of the Government.

Educational institutions, particularly those funded or recognized by the government (e.g., schools, colleges, and universities), fall under Section 4(1)(b) and Section 2(h) of the RTI Act, and they must provide information unless exempt under Section 8.

The University Grants Commission (UGC) mandates all universities and colleges (funded by it) to comply with RTI provisions. They must have a designated Public Information Officer (PIO) to handle RTI queries.

The Right to Information (RTI) Act, 2005, empowers citizens to request information from public authorities, promoting transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority. Under this act, citizens have the right to request access to information about the functioning and decisions of the institution.

जन सूचना अधिकारी - डॉ. सुरेश कुमार पांडेय
Mobile : 7080104629